Monday, October 13, 2008

limericks to remember him by

Robert and I had lots of fun.
I was doing a project with the kids at school
based on the Book of Nonsense of Edward Lear
and we came up with our own limericks.
Robert wrote the first and I did the second one.

There was a young woman of Burt
who often spilled paint on her skirt
when he cried "keep it clean!"
she replied "that's obscene!"
and continued to eat her dessert.

There was a great cook called Rhobear
who's back was hairier than a bear
when he didn't behave
his girl gave him a shave
and he froze as he fell down the stairs.


Re-organizando el deposito encontré este poema dedicado a Panchita, mi tia abuela, que vivió con nosotros por años y entre muchísimas prendas de vestir, nos cosió las camisas del uniforme del Merici. En su honor Renie Joie lleva su nombre: Francisca.

Pancha, Pancha, Panchita plancha
Pancha que plancha, plancha lo que cose
cose Pancha y lo plancha,
plancha el vestido.

Cose, remienda, surce y borda.
Sube, baja, limpia, lava
Va, viene, viene, va, oye, mira, calla.

Plancha Pancha

Monday, October 06, 2008

Mi Granjita - My Little Farm

English version scroll down

Como todo, uno muere y otro nace.

Comenzando el mes de octubre se ha engendrado un jardín
que será lindo, lleno de vida, verde y exquisito.

Este jardín que me dió la dicha de haber conectado
con quien que iba a ser amante de este verdor.

Espinacas, aurúgula, cebollines y quien sabe que mas.
Yo personalmente no metí semillita por semillita y una por una.
Fueron los chicos del equipo de My Farm.

Yo los ayudé, les traje agua y chocolate y manzanas
y les tomé fotos.

Mi Granjita

My Little Farm

Like everything in life: one dies and other is born.

In early October a garden is being born
and it is meant to be green and pretty and delicious.

This garden has given me the happiness of having connected
with the one who was really going to appreciate it's greens.

Spinach, aurugula, chives and plenty others.
I personally did not place seed by seed, one by one.
They did it, the My Farm team.

I helped, brought water, chocolate and apples
and took pictures.

My Little Farm


English version scroll down


Poco a poco me aplasta y me voy quedando sin aire
como si tuviera una gigante masa gelatinosa sobre mi cuerpo
y la gravedad me aplana contra el suelo,
- ¡Véte cansancio!

No puedo hacer nada sino arrastrarme
y tratar de escapar este soberano peso.
Toda mi enegía hoy intenta de despojarse,
salir de debajo de esa mole.

Si me llamas, me invitas a salir,
me convidas a cantar o a tocar quizá vaya
o quizá simplemente diga - Mas tarde -
Nadie vé a este mounstruo kiludo.

Hago lo mínimo para salir adelante hoy.
Trabajar con una sonrisa, encontrarte con una sonrisa,
cantar con una sonrisa pero luego,
apenas estoy sola caigo tendida.

Y para alivianar al cansancio
canto una canción de cuna, como a que le canté a él
hace tres miércoles atrás.
- No te quiero ver más por aquí

Poco a poco se esfuma y se vuelve nada.



Little by little it weighs me down
and I can't breath anymore.
I feel as if I had a big blob over my body
and gravity flattens me against the ground.

"Go away lethargy!"

Can't do much but drag myself
and try to get out from underneath.
All my energy today is just about
escaping this humongous beast.

If you call me, invite me to go out,
ask me to join you to sing or to play I may go.
But then again I may just say: "later"
No one gets to see this bulky monster.

Today I just do the least I can do to get by.
I work with a smile, I meet you with a smile,
I sing with a smile in my face but then,
as soon as I am alone I fall exhausted.

And to lighten this fatigue
I sing a lullaby, like the one I sang to him
three Wednesdays ago.

"I don't want to see you around."

Little by little it fades away
and it becomes nothing.