Friday, December 31, 2021

A Truly Abundant Life

 I was talking with my cousin the other day, and we remarked about our privileged childhood and youth in Venezuela.


The next day, an image illustrated just what we were talking about arrived: click!

Oh! The is the beauty of saving memories and connecting through Facebook. 

A couple of photos appeared in my inbox, and my jaw dropped!


Through Messenger, I got a photo of some agenda mini-pieces of paper that I wrote to Ann. They were written according to her in 1973. The letter was kept in an old shoebox in the attic of her house in Massachusetts. 

I do not remember Ann well. Today she is a Ms. X that I would not recognize.

She probably doesn't remember me either, but she does have proof that we were friends! 

Below I copy how she introduced this little treasure to me:

I must have been eleven years old. 

In one of the letters, I describe to Ann - my dear friend from the camp whom I do not remember - what happened during the rest of my vacation. Presumably, 1973.

I imagine it was written in September. 

I was telling her what I had done right after spending two months at the girls' camp -Camp Atahi, in Conway, New Hampshire- (Bea, Gila and Johanna were there too)

I transcribe keeping my spelling errors:

"Hi Ann, I just recieved your letter when I return from school.  I just finish English class.  I enjoy very much my vacation.  I went to the secuarium in Miami I saw flipper, the sharks and more things.  I saw Silver Spring, Cypress Garden, everglade etc.

When I went to Washington I saw many museums and Washington monumes etc. 

When I arrived to Caracas I went to the beach I now I am in school and I am resting of my vacation Well write me Rennea"

* * *

Tremendous itinerary, my God!

* * *

I assume that, at that time, this much traveling was not a big deal for me!

I assume that, at that time, this much traveling was not a big deal for me; it was normal. 

Was it normal?

Did I forget New York? 1973

Detail from above: Dolita Dávila, Johanna and I

Today I think it through when I use the adjective "normal." 

Normal compared to what?

I took all these things for granted: going to a school where English was taught daily, being sent two months to a foreign country to "practice"; visiting Boston, Washington, New York staying at cool hotels and visiting numerous cultural attractions; driving up and down Florida visiting every park in sight.  And in the characteristic way of my letter, I'll say et cetera. 

My perspective now is that my childhood and my youth were a total luxury. 

Extraordinary, I must say. :)

The "quinceañera" trip to Europe is another story.

* * *

2021 sunset over Pedro Point, Pacifica

Today my life is grand. I emphasize, it is still a luxury. 

Rich! Abundant!

I DO NOT take it for granted.

I get up at the time I want, eat what I prefer, have a choice on what I'll do, I choose what I'm most inspired to do practically every day. Isn't that amazing?


Nowadays, the feeling I get from this recognition is that it is payback time.  

I want to restore something to the universe, to do some service to humanity. 

It is the least I can do after receiving and receiving and receiving so much.

I know better who I am.

Creating is my passion.

I am fascinated by researching, inventing, doing, enjoying.

I want to sing, draw, recite, dance and share

* * *

Practically- my feet on the ground consist of:


I keep working on my film Cambur Pintón because I have an idea that blows my mind!

See here



I want to create the possibility that children in the US become bilingual before the age of eleven (the age I was when I wrote that letter in almost perfect English) Children are ripe at a young age to acquire a second language and experience different ways of thinking.

I would like to see the diversity of each region of the world be celebrated. I'd love for people to know and value their ancestry no matter where they come from. Language is a great vehicle!

See here

* * *

Today those tiny pieces of paper with my handwriting reminded me of the value of traveling, learning about other people and places. Above all, they remind me of what and why I do what I do.

🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🥂

Thanks to the universe, my family and my friends for enhancing my life and keeping it rich and delicious!

2021 happy!

PS. Searching through albums... 

Anne, Is that you? in the blue sweater in this picture?
In which case, this is another proof that we were friends : ) 

Above: Carolina Ponte, Counselor xx Monica?, Ann?, girl xx Heather?, Below: Gila Perez

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