La MontañaYo había invitado a algunos amigos especiales, con quienes me atreviese a pasar 5 dias juntos 24/7 pero a la final las únicas que nos comprometimos a la hazaña fuimos Graciela y yo. (¿Será que nadie nos quiere?)
Hablando con Johanna acerca de la familia me comentó que Luis Alejandro no había pasado un par de materias. Yo le sugerí que lo mandara castigado a San Francisco a subir cerro en la Sierra Nevada con la tia malvada. Johanna accedió pensando que iba a ser una buena "lección". Carlos Eduardo no se portó mal pero sintió pena por su hermano y quiso venir a protegerlo de los retos que su tia les pudiese proporcionar.
Así fue que el grupo de Rennea, 47; Graciela, 43; Mountain Man, 43, Carlos Eduardo, 20; Luis Alejandro, 16, cruzamos Luther Pass para llegar al lado este de la Sierra Nevada.

Teníamos una descripción de viaje que superaba nuestra experiencia, sin embargo con "valentía" decidimos confrontar el reto y al estilo Mountainman todo el viaje se desarrolló con suavidad, alegría y especialmente una muy buena comida. Baños de agua gélida o caminatas por rocallosas esplendorosas, lo gozamos.
Abajo les copio la descripción del propuesto viaje de 30 millas y usen el link para ver las fotos del viaje que en sí, fue reducido a como 15 millas. Además fuimos para otro lado donde había menos nieve. "La vida te da sorpresas..."
FOTOS - PHOTOS - CLICK BELOWDay 1-3 • Green LakeDay 4-6 • Summit LakeLa Propuesta del Viaje • The Trip ProposalEste fue el que nunca hicimos pero esperamos hacer.
This is the trip we never took but hope to accomplish next time.
Northern Yosemite High Crest TraverseJune 29 to July 4 (5 nights 6 days)
We will start the walk at Leavitt lake 9600ft elevation and follow the crest between the Walker and Tuolumne watersheds ending at Twin lakes 7000ft. This is an advanced walk with the first and last days spent on trail. The mid days of the trip will be spent off trail exploring the high terraces and lakes. Average miles per day will be 4-6 miles with the total trip around 30 miles. This leaves time for relaxing mornings, route choosing, exploring, and afternoon swimming. This is a demanding adventure with strenuous traveling and intense physical activity. Participants must be in good physical shape.
Day 1- Meet at Twin Lakes trailhead leave cars for end of trip and drive to Leavitt Lake trail, walk up to PCT and follow to first lake camp.
Day 2- Off trail traverse to the lake basin below Forsyth Peak.
Day 3- Off trail traverse around Tower Peak to
Lakes near the head of Thompson Canyon.
Day4- Off trail traverses around Center Mountain to Buckeye Pass and trail camp at one of the lakes.
Day 5- Walk the trail down to Twin Lakes.
Basic skills to be learned
Map reading and lay of the land/ Route finding
Basic wilderness skills/safety
Fire making /cooking skills
Spoon carving
Things to Bring
Walking boots
Hat / beanie
Sunglasses/ sunscreen
Long underwear, top and bottom (poly pro, not cotton)
Sleeping bag and pad
Camp clothes for cool nights/camp shoes or sandals
Light rain/wind jacket and pants
Cooking pot (if making own meals) cup, bowl, spoon and knife
Food for 6 days (if not having meals provided)
Snack food for quick energy and drinks.
Any personal items you want
Watercolor paint sets & paper
Water filter
Solar shower
Carving knifes
Meals (optional)
Shuttle to start of trip
We will be traveling light so keep gear to absolutely necessary items and sleeping gear light and compactable. Breakfasts & dinners will be cooked over open fire if there are no fire restrictions.
Meals (Optional)
Dinners would start with some miso soup with greens, crackers and cheese.
Two dinners would be rice and beans, cheese and greens on ashcakes, cocktail, desert.
Two dinners would be pasta with vegetables and bread, cocktail, desert.
One surprise dinner.
Breakfast would be tea, bagels & cheese/hot cereal and fruit.
Lunches would be cheese and turkey with greens sandwiches and fruit.
Most of the foods are organic and some local from farm.
You will be responsible for any other snacks foods and drinks.
Meals will start with lunch the first day of the trip and end the last day’s lunch.
5 breakfasts 6 lunches and 6 dinners.
Meeting place and shuttle
We will meet at the Twin Lakes trailhead at Mono Village on June 29 at 10am. We will pack and shuttle to start of trip at Leavitt Lake. Plan to have breakfast before meeting. Those interested in meeting the evening before can at Buckeye hot springs camp. Best to car pool and there is a fee for parking at Mono Village.
Important Points to Remember
Temperatures during the day in the summer are generally between 70-80 degrees. Temperatures at night are between 30-50 degrees
Mosquitoes are around and could overwhelming, hopefully for only for a brief time. They seem to like it mostly in the morning and evening. A light wrap seems to keep them away but do what ever is needed.
We will be traveling at high altitudes where there is lots of sun radiation and thin dry air. Cream and staying hydrated is a must.
There will be always a chance of afternoon thunderstorms, if there is a pattern on the trip of storms we might have to adjust to earlier starts to make camp before the storms let loose.
Safety: Any adventure revolves around good judgment and the best is your own. The risks involved are inherent in these types of adventures. The safety of the group is the most important thing and there will be no attempts for unnecessary risks. The final responsibility for safety and enjoyable trip, as always, is yours.
6 days – suggested donation 4 people $500
6 days meals- 4 people $350
Shuttle $50
Total $900 $215 per person with meals $125 without meals.
FOTOS - PHOTOS - CLICK BELOWDay 1-3 • Green LakeDay 4-6 • Summit Lake