Thursday, April 18, 2024

Like Fish in The Water

Recently I had a conversation with my mom as I am researching the why of my patterns, some of which I’d like to slightly change or move away from. 

We were talking about “our contributions, our why”. She said she had no idea what she was in this world for, she didn’t know what her purpose was. And this is a topic that lots of people want to talk about these days : ) 

I thought it was “funny” as she is the most courageous woman I know, who did things in the most unusual ways and defied and broke a lot of ceilings. Today she is the queen of support without digging into her own joy of life and keeping herself curious and growing. 

She does not see what we see. All my friends praise her as the wisest woman, one with always a very pointed, sharp comment that moved them to see things in a different way or move them towards better paths. 

When fish are in the water they don’t feel the water or distinguish it unless they come out for that “fresh air” . Her contribution is immense! She is like a fish that doesn’t know how amazing she is, even if we pointed out. She feels this is just her “normal” How special could it be?

I tried to let her see it: her normal is an amazing contribution! I want her to bask in the warmth of her magnificence which she will never notice unless we say something. 

I loved that after our conversation she acknowledged that maybe she is and has been “helpful”. She said, maybe I was born to be of service. It was so sweet. Yes Mami, you are amazing!

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