Monday, October 13, 2008

limericks to remember him by

Robert and I had lots of fun.
I was doing a project with the kids at school
based on the Book of Nonsense of Edward Lear
and we came up with our own limericks.
Robert wrote the first and I did the second one.

There was a young woman of Burt
who often spilled paint on her skirt
when he cried "keep it clean!"
she replied "that's obscene!"
and continued to eat her dessert.

There was a great cook called Rhobear
who's back was hairier than a bear
when he didn't behave
his girl gave him a shave
and he froze as he fell down the stairs.


Elizabeth said...

Cada vez me convenzo más de que nuestros seres queridos nunca nos abandonan, al contrario, se convierten en nuestros más fieles acompañantes y con mucha frecuencia nos hacen sonreir y alegran nuestro espíritu.
Te quiero Renne, Dios te bendiga

Susanna said...

que cómico!
linda foto.