Saturday, October 23, 2021

My Founding Mom Bio


Mother and Grandmotherhood. 

I sent out three amazing people into this world: Renie Joie, nurse extraordinaire managing the whole county of Arlington's public health COVID planning and salsa goddess. Avery March, mother of 2 fabulous unique logical and artistic children and teacher fantastique, thoughtfully nurturing new generations of English kindergarteners. Skylr, father of two wild boys, ferocious firefighter and equanimity master. My new daughter Maura, wife to Skylr and loyal, compassionate and determined muse working in ICU for infants.

Anything I do otherwise pales in comparison to my rearing these awesome children, but here it goes.  Among others, these are my prime activities:

Teaching Spanish. 

What started on a kitchen table with six children became a school of over 200 students in the San Francisco Bay Area. Today we are taking the experience and playful approach we used in in-person classes to the online world. We can now share without the geographic borders.

Making Movies. 

It's a new baby! I want to connect with my country, Venezuela, more and more, so my film-director impetuous Italian husband proposed: why don't we make a movie? I took it and ran with it.  We are making THE movie Cambur Pintón.

Making Music. 

I sang in the womb, blob blob blob, since before I took stage into this world.  I have friends, and we play music.  People really appreciate us, and this value turns into money sometimes and others not. : ) 

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